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martes, 21 de noviembre de 2017


The Benefits of Puppets in Class

1. Design Thinking

Your students can build puppets. With a thoughtful approach to building a puppet, they can design their ultimate learning partner.

2. Growth Mindset

Puppet creation requires making mistakes. Your first puppet will always be very, very special. Students learn fairly quickly that what they see in their mind is not the same as what they can make with their hands.  Mistakes in puppet making allow kids to fail in a very low-risk way. They get a practical lesson in imperfection. They also get a lesson in following directions. Some students cut a hole, rather than a straight line, for their mouth. Helping them fix their mistakes reinforces the establishment of a grown mindset 

3. Puppet as Co-Teacher

When you make a video to introduce a topic, use a puppet. The attention that your students pay is different. Enjoy letting the puppet kick off a lesson, and then help in the room.

4. Writing With a Puppet

When students write plays, foremost in many of their minds is how they will look, how they will sound, and how others will respond to them. Writing for the puppet allows them to be far more silly, as well as take risks with accents, characters, and plots that they wouldn't try if they were required to act it out live. Not only does it help them learn the content as well as writing skills and dialogue formatting, but they also learn important lessons in collaboration, communication, critical thinking, and creativity.

5. Making Learning Less Threatening

We take risks all the time in learning -- and sharing out is the worst. Using a puppet transforms getting caught in the headlights into shining in the spotlight. Students share with less risk, and the puppet makes the situation a lot more like a performance.

Building Puppets to Transform Your Teaching Life

Puppet making may seem difficult, but many puppet makers show their entire process through YouTube videos. We couldn’t find a pattern that was scalable for an entire class, so we made our own and created instructional videos that we use in class and in workshops. A basic Muppet-inspired hand puppet doesn't require sophisticated sewing or crafting skills, either. Even sixth grade students learn how to sew a seam and use a hot glue gun fairly quickly.
However, there are things we do to speed up the process. Students begin with a design and a color choice. Before the next class period, we cut the fleece into the pattern. Then, with help from our instructional videos, students walk through the process at their own speed. With younger students, we tend to control the resources, because left unattended, a 12-year-old will cut a circle out of the center of a piece of felt and throw the rest of the sheet away. So we're in charge the fabric and felt scissors.
To speed up the process, we have also pre-cut cardboard for mouths, tear strips of duct tape for thumb and finger loops to work the jaws, and pre-cut felt for the mouth interior. The goal is that students focus on the actual process of building and designing the puppet rather than cutting perfect half-circles and measuring correctly.
That being said, making mistakes is essential to this process. The first time we taught students how to make puppets, we had never made puppets either. Learning with your students lets them see you as a fellow learner, rather as a didactic answer machine. Not knowing the answer to something teaches students how to find their own answers, which is useful for the rest of their life.


We have dedicated the class to making books. There are many ideas to make: drop-down books, pop-ups, cut-outs, with illustrations ... I have chosen one with textures, sticking different materials so that the children interacts more closely with the book and with the story that is being told to him.

Resultado de imagen de la zorra y las uvas

 I have adapted the fable of "the fox and the grapes". It's short, it's simple, it's eye-catching and it's suitable for all ages of early childhood education. Without a doubt, I think it has been a good idea to adapt this story.